Showing 76 - 100 of 294 Results
The Apology For The Church Of England And A Treatise Of The Holy Scriptures by Jewel, John, Whittingham, W... ISBN: 9781163114032 List Price: $27.96
The Apology For The Church Of England And A Treatise Of The Holy Scriptures by Jewel, John, Whittingham, W... ISBN: 9781163470725 List Price: $39.96
A Translation of the Epistles of Clement of Rome, Polycarp and Ignatius, and of the First Ap... by Chevallier, Temple, Whittin... ISBN: 9781148316239 List Price: $27.75
A Briefe Descourse of the Troubles Begonne at Franckford (English Experience Series No. 492) by Whittingham, William ISBN: 9789022104927 List Price: $45.00
A Brief Discourse of the Troubles at Frankfort, 1554-1558 A.D. by Whittingham, William ISBN: 9781146452113 List Price: $28.75
Romantic Biography of the Age of Elizabeth; Calvin and the Church of Geneva. William Whittin... by Taylor, William Cooke ISBN: 9780217544306 List Price: $20.63
The Apology for the Church of England and a Treatise of the Holy Scriptures by Jewel, John, Whittingham, W... ISBN: 9781430462491 List Price: $34.95
Anglican Catholicity Vindicated against Roman Innovations by Whittingham, William R., Ha... ISBN: 9780548605066 List Price: $16.95
Life of Mr William Whittingham, Dean of Durham by Green, Mary Anne Everett, G... ISBN: 9780548700884 List Price: $27.95
A Catalogue of the Liturgies: Liturgical Works, Books of Private Devotion, Hymnals and Colle... by William Robinson Whittingham ISBN: 9781145607453 List Price: $18.75
The whole boke of psalmes collected into Englishe metre by T. Sternhold, W. Whitingham, I. H... by Whittingham, William ISBN: 9781171276715 List Price: $36.75
An Introduction to the Old Testament by Turner, Samuel Hulbear, Tur... ISBN: 9781148552965 List Price: $45.75
Geneva Bible 1599 : Breeches Bible by Calvin, John, Knox, John, W... ISBN: 9780962988844 List Price: $150.00
Geneva Bible 1599 : Breeches Bible by Calvin, John, Knox, John, W... ISBN: 9780962988837 List Price: $150.00
Life of William Rollinson Whittingham, Fourth bishop of Maryland by Brand, William Francis ISBN: 9781117237381 List Price: $16.75
A Compendious Ecclesiastical History from the Earliest Period to the Present Time by Palmer, William, Whittingha... ISBN: 9781146785426 List Price: $27.75
Anglican Catholicity Vindicated Against Roman Innovations : In the Answer of Isaac Casaubon ... by Whittingham, William R., Ha... ISBN: 9781168887962 List Price: $25.56
Brief Discourse of the Troubles at Frankfort, 1554-1558 a D by Whittingham, William ISBN: 9781169313972 List Price: $35.16
Specimen of Cast Ornaments by Caslon, William, Whittingha... ISBN: 9781177002660 List Price: $23.75
Brief Discourse of the Troubles at Frankfort, 1554-1558 a D by Whittingham, William, Arber... ISBN: 9781177393539 List Price: $28.75
Poetical Works of William Falconer by Falconer, William, Whitting... ISBN: 9781177737739 List Price: $27.75
Fifteen Sermons by William Rollinson Whittingham by Whittingham, William Rollinson ISBN: 9781165429691 List Price: $24.76
Fifteen Sermons by William Rollinson Whittingham by Whittingham, William Rollinson ISBN: 9781165454273 List Price: $36.76
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